Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

10 Quick Thanksgiving Questions

To do: Cut and paste below into comments and add your answers. Feel free to cut/paste onto your blog for fun. Which I totally did. This is copied from the blog Shut Up and Run

1. How old do you have to be to move up from the kids’ table? 
Teen, except for Uncle Ryan. He should remain at the kids' table forever.

2. Stuff the turkey or cook stuffing separately? (aka salmonella or not?)
It's yummier stuffed, but this year is was separate. bummer.

3. Who sits at the head of the table?
No one. Our table is round.

4. Pumpkin, pecan, apple pie?
Pumpkin for Thanksgiving with a side of apple pie, please.

5. What the hell is mince meat?
Not sure. I don't think it's meat at all.

6. Is it okay to play Christmas music on Thanksgiving?
Yes. But we watched a Christmas movie instead.

7. In five words or less, worst Thanksgiving memory?
Young niece spread horrific intestinal germs. (ok, that is 6 words.)

8. Speaking of leftovers. Who gets dibs on them? 
Whoever cooks them. Although my daughter thinks the mashed potatoes should belong to her.

9. Worst Thanksgiving food?
My Nanny (grandma) served sauerkraut on Thanksgiving.

10. Best Thanksgiving quick joke?
Q: Why wasn't the turkey hungry?
A: He was stuffed!

Happy Thanksgiving! I am most thankful for.... everything! My whole life is pretty freaking easy and I've thought of a million things to be thankful for today! Peace!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

I'm back......

I've been MIA. Except it's been low of the "action" part of the MIA. Well, action by me. The people around me have had a lot of action... my job is to drive them to it. Also, I've been holding down a job to pay for it. That is OK. It's the mom job part of my life. I had decided that last (school) year was "my" year with a lot of energy and time put on my marathon training. This year would be more for the kids. However, I think I need a bit of balance in the plan. I need activity to be healthy. And I'm not right now.

(My brother in-law, Kevin, running the Shamrock 8k last March.)

A bunch of friends ran the Richmond Marathon yesterday. Today my brother in-law signed up for the Shamrock 8k race. Hubby is signed up for a 5k in December. I think it's time for me to get back into the game.

This chick is so inspiring to me. She is finishing her first season on swim team. Six months ago she couldn't swim across the pool. I most admire her focus on improving her own swimming skill and times. She is swimming her own race and works on self improvement. Such maturity in my little 10 year old!

I'm still not 100% comfortable with the punching, kicking, and fighting aspect of the martial arts. But when the instructor talks of self discipline, respecting yourself and others, doing your best, making mistakes means you are trying... I tear up. Yes, I'm a goof like that.  

So everyone around me is busy and active.
I'm ready to join back in the game.