Friday, November 30, 2012


After my last half marathon didn't go as well as I had hoped I gave myself 2 days to mope about it. Then I started picking the race apart to learn from it. Surprisingly, in spite of wearing the same shoes and socks as in training I ended up with blisters on both heels. Other than that issue most problems were mental.
I've been watching youtube videos of David Goggins. The one above is my favorite. I like what he says about using imagery and in your mind going through all the check-points and EMOTIONS you will experience in a race. Then when it happens you are prepared and it just "flows." Later he talks of  making the decision to continue when you hit a wall during a race and then your mind will re-set and you can continue on.
As for my current training....
I work part time as an interior painter and drywall specialist. This week's job was very labor intensive. I spent each day, for my 6 hour work day standing, climbing, or on the move. I was often sanding drywall repairs above my head while standing high on a ladder in a skylight on a vaulted ceiling. Today was the first day that I sat down on the job for a few moments. Work itself was training. Today I was scheduled for cross-training. After the week I've had I opted for some light core work. Tomorrow I'm scheduled for 8 miles and I'm looking forward to that workout.
Things seem to be going right on track.
   "I like to see what I'm made of.... see exactly if there is a limit to the human soul." - David Goggins

Donate here.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

What is Lupus?

"Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Chronic means that the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six weeks and often for many years. In lupus, something goes wrong with your immune system, which is the part of the body that fights off viruses, bacteria, and germs ("foreign invaders," like the flu). Normally our immune system produces proteins called antibodies that protect the body from these invaders. Autoimmune means your immune system cannot tell the difference between these foreign invaders and your body’s healthy tissues ("auto" means "self") and creates autoantibodies that attack and destroy healthy tissue. These autoantibodies cause inflammation, pain, and damage in various parts of the body." Lupus Foundation of America
What does that mean?
Basically, a person's immune system attacks a person's own body for no apparent reason. There is no cure for Lupus. 

“This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.”


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Treadmills and School Buses

(not me)
Today I was going to write about my wandering mind while on the treadmill this morning. About how I couldn't stay focused on running or the workout and how my mind kept drifting.
(closer to me)
I thought about the number I had just seen on the scale.
(not actual guy from gym)
I thought about the guy in the perfectly matched outfit who just kept wandering around the gym. I never saw him work out or sweat. But he had the perfect outfit for it.
(not the guy's actual shirt)

The guy in the Shamrock race shirt. He was fast. Then he got faster. He must have been doing speed training.
My post today was going to be a little bit whining and about how unfocused and distracted I was.
Then it was time for my kids to come home. Only the bus didn't come.
After phone calls to both of the kids' schools I learned their bus had been in a wreck and all kids on the bus were fine. They would be sent home shortly on another bus.
I waited.
I waited more.
I feared if I left the house to go get them, the bus would arrive and no one would be home.
I felt helpless.
 I realized feeling helpless about how to help her child is how my sister feels.
Every moment of
  (My kids' actual bus.)
My kids are fine as are all the other kids who were on the bus. The bus driver, who I trust completely, was shaken, but last I heard is OK too. I'm not sure about the driver of the car.

Update: The driver of the car had a medical issue. She passed out behind the wheel. In addition to her medical condition she suffered several broken ribs. I wish her well. The kids' bus driver returned to work the following afternoon.  

Monday, November 26, 2012

Moanday Monday

I can't really moan and complain about this Monday. The sun is shining. I got my run in this morning on the treadmill at the gym. Then I successfully made it back home before hubby had to leave. I even had time to pack a good lunch for work. Now I need to get moving to get homework help done, shower, dinner made, and then to scouts. Plan is to have lunches packed tonight and everything staged for another successful morning including quick trip to the gym.
Quote of the day: Observing that a neighbor had cut down a tree my daughter says,
"What?? How can they do that? Who doesn't love a tree?"
Click to donate directly to the Lupus Foundation of America!    

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Choosing a Training Plan

After much consideration and reviewing many training plans I've narrowed it down to a hybrid of two plans. Up until this weekend I'd planned to use Jeff Galloway Novice training plan. I liked several things about it including not much running during the weekdays and the run/walk method. I was also curious that during training he has mileage scheduled to go up to 26 miles before the race. That seems like a big mental boost of going into the race with a "I've done this before" mentality.  The only other training plan I found with mileage like that was Coolrunningdotcom. However, after checking into other training plans like Hal Higdon's training , Marathon Rookie dot com, Train Like a Mother, and the suggested Shamrock marathon training plan and reading Runners World magazine articles on mileage I've had a change of heart. Yes, going into a race "having done this before" would be mentally reassuring, however marathoning once is hard enough on the body. Especially this body. I'm no Marathon Maniac. (Kudos and great awe to my handful of friends who ARE marathon MANIACS.)
May your toenails forgive you my maniac friends.
(UGGH, gross toes... I hate feet!)
So..... the winning hybrid of training plans will be....
The Shamrock training schedule is similar to most other training plans. The run/walk method is just how it's got to be. At this time a year ago I was heading into weeks of physical therapy to strengthen my hip. Then over the summer I stopped running and sat in the car for long hours at a time. When I started running again to train for the Nov half my hip really felt it until I switched to run/walk. It's designed for people who's goal is to finish, have history of hip problems, are over 40, and need a short recovery after the race.
That defines me. Right down to needing to get out of bed the next day to put the kids on the bus. 
So that's the plan. Now I've just gotta do it!
"If you feel there's something out there you are supposed to be doing, if you have a passion for it, then stop wishing and just do it." - Wanda Sykes

What training plans have you used? Have you ever lost a toenail?

Saturday, November 24, 2012

What is this about??

On the last day of June I signed up for a March marathon. The price was going to increase the next day. March seemed so far away. I really didn't think it out very well. Then we left for a long vacation of driving across the country. I stopped running. Sitting in the car aggravated an old hip injury. When we came home 6 weeks later I started training for a November 1/2 marathon. That was 2 weeks ago. It didn't go well. Now I must make a decision about the March marathon.
 Defer? Drop to the half? Chuck the whole running thing all together?
Yesterday, I noticed my sister had "liked" the Lupus Foundation of America page on Facebook. I "liked" it too. That lead me to this guy. He's set up a website, facebook page, and as of last weekend had run his first marathon and raised well over a thousand dollars for the Lupus Foundation of America and more funds for a UK organization for lupus research.
Check out  runningforlupus site.
Today I finished an easy 4 miles. It went well. I am inspired. I want to raise money for Lupus research too.
My 16 year old niece was diagnosed with Lupus last spring. She is learning to live with Lupus. We are learning how to support her. This is one way to do that.
This blog will document my journey of training for the Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach on March 17, 2013. I hope it inspires you to help me raise funds for better treatment of Lupus and ultimately a cure.
It's only 111 days away!

All donations will go directly to the Lupus Foundation of America. thanks!