Sunday, November 25, 2012

Choosing a Training Plan

After much consideration and reviewing many training plans I've narrowed it down to a hybrid of two plans. Up until this weekend I'd planned to use Jeff Galloway Novice training plan. I liked several things about it including not much running during the weekdays and the run/walk method. I was also curious that during training he has mileage scheduled to go up to 26 miles before the race. That seems like a big mental boost of going into the race with a "I've done this before" mentality.  The only other training plan I found with mileage like that was Coolrunningdotcom. However, after checking into other training plans like Hal Higdon's training , Marathon Rookie dot com, Train Like a Mother, and the suggested Shamrock marathon training plan and reading Runners World magazine articles on mileage I've had a change of heart. Yes, going into a race "having done this before" would be mentally reassuring, however marathoning once is hard enough on the body. Especially this body. I'm no Marathon Maniac. (Kudos and great awe to my handful of friends who ARE marathon MANIACS.)
May your toenails forgive you my maniac friends.
(UGGH, gross toes... I hate feet!)
So..... the winning hybrid of training plans will be....
The Shamrock training schedule is similar to most other training plans. The run/walk method is just how it's got to be. At this time a year ago I was heading into weeks of physical therapy to strengthen my hip. Then over the summer I stopped running and sat in the car for long hours at a time. When I started running again to train for the Nov half my hip really felt it until I switched to run/walk. It's designed for people who's goal is to finish, have history of hip problems, are over 40, and need a short recovery after the race.
That defines me. Right down to needing to get out of bed the next day to put the kids on the bus. 
So that's the plan. Now I've just gotta do it!
"If you feel there's something out there you are supposed to be doing, if you have a passion for it, then stop wishing and just do it." - Wanda Sykes

What training plans have you used? Have you ever lost a toenail?


  1. I did the Shamrock Half this past March! Lots of awesome swag!! Great race, and flat!! You're gonna love it!! Good luck to you!

    1. Thank you! I'm alittle nervous about the large size of it!
