Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Treadmills and School Buses

(not me)
Today I was going to write about my wandering mind while on the treadmill this morning. About how I couldn't stay focused on running or the workout and how my mind kept drifting.
(closer to me)
I thought about the number I had just seen on the scale.
(not actual guy from gym)
I thought about the guy in the perfectly matched outfit who just kept wandering around the gym. I never saw him work out or sweat. But he had the perfect outfit for it.
(not the guy's actual shirt)

The guy in the Shamrock race shirt. He was fast. Then he got faster. He must have been doing speed training.
My post today was going to be a little bit whining and about how unfocused and distracted I was.
Then it was time for my kids to come home. Only the bus didn't come.
After phone calls to both of the kids' schools I learned their bus had been in a wreck and all kids on the bus were fine. They would be sent home shortly on another bus.
I waited.
I waited more.
I feared if I left the house to go get them, the bus would arrive and no one would be home.
I felt helpless.
 I realized feeling helpless about how to help her child is how my sister feels.
Every moment of every.single.day.
  (My kids' actual bus.)
My kids are fine as are all the other kids who were on the bus. The bus driver, who I trust completely, was shaken, but last I heard is OK too. I'm not sure about the driver of the car.

Update: The driver of the car had a medical issue. She passed out behind the wheel. In addition to her medical condition she suffered several broken ribs. I wish her well. The kids' bus driver returned to work the following afternoon.  

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