Sunday, December 30, 2012

Weekly Wrap-up Holiday Style

Crazy busy week for most people! Our household included. Here is a review of this week in pictures from around our house!
  Christmas Eve morning fun run. 

My little boy was plagued on and off with fevers for days and days. We spent much of Christmas Eve night awake with this little guy sitting up in bed between us. A Christmas day trip to the doctor resulted in a diagnosis of an ear infection. Thank goodness for antibiotics to make it all better! 

Christmas morning arrived.

Even the sickly kids were happy.

Grandparents visited.

Aunts, Uncles, and cousins did too.

I had my palm read.

More Grandmas arrived and...

Grandpas did too!
750 piece puzzle was completed.

Room transformation of a pale pink "babyish" room into a "tweenish"  design began.   

We also shared meals together, baked together, played games together, watched movies, helped pet sit a fun dog, and went swimming.
Finally, a total of 20 training miles were completed over 3 runs.
Life is busy. Life is good.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Misty start, rain drops, mentally strong, pushing, remembering why, enjoying the moment, finding mantras to keep going, amazing myself,  breathe, approaching understanding of something BIG, puddles, blue sky breaking through, strength.
This random list of thoughts brought to you by:
11 miles of endorphins.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Runners are Obsessive

Runners CAN be a little much. Even when they try not to be. They obsess about mileage, pace, gear, diet...  There are lots of ways to log and chart mileage/goals from old fashioned pen and paper to online sites like dailymile. Many runners can report how many miles they've run... in the last year. Runners have an unending number of things to talk to each other about. From race fees, injury, shoes, training plans, compression socks, to foam rollers there is an endless number of topics to cover. Runners eat, sleep, and live... running.

I need to be more of that.

I didn't do my Tuesday 4 mile run. I hoped it would turn into a Wednesday 4 mile run, but that didn't happen either.

So in an effort to become more obsessed with running... today I looked up how many training miles I have scheduled from now to the marathon.

310 miles

The number of days to the marathon is...

79 days.


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Lupus Funding

As we all know.... the United States is in dire financial crisis. Budgets must be cut and we all will need to feel the result of that. For people facing crisis, it will be felt the most. Lupus researchers expect federal funding to be cut. There is concern for future research for this disease which affects 1.5 million in the United States and 5 million people world wide. New treatments are emerging but we need continued funding and awareness to keep drug companies and researchers interested in the future of Lupus treatments. Small amounts by many individuals can do great things. Thanks.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Love Rox

I think I have hubby in agreement to do this race with me. After the last one I didn't think he'd ever do one with me again. The price increases tonight at midnight so I plan to have a decision made today.  We will need to think of a "couples" team name.

And, in other racing news...

Monday, December 24, 2012

Jingle Bells, Naughty Elves, and Tacky Sweaters

My parents made it over the river and through the woods yesterday. They had more snow at their house than in the mountains.  Their arrival meant that we had childcare and hubby and I could both run the annual, unofficial Jingle Bell, Naughty Elves, and Tacky Sweater Christmas Eve morning Fun Run. This is a low-key, fun, easy run some friends started years ago.  This is the first time I've participated.
Hubby might have thought I looked ridiculous before we left the house, but trust me... I fit in. I'm hoping a friend will email more pics and then I'll add them later.
I came in Dead Last. I also didn't care and discovered... as I had suspected... I don't have a competitive bone in my body. I ran with my husband and with my friend that I trained for my first half with. I haven't run with her in a long time and I loved that she stayed with me. I'll remember running with them long after the Dead Last finish. Besides... it was a FUN RUN, not a race!
 Updated with Pictures!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Random thoughts of 6 miles

I ran late morning today. I should have been in church, but one child had been running a fever for the last 3 days... including last night. We stayed home in anticipation of the second child coming down with a fever.... but so far, everyone is fever free for the day!

This week is a recovery week on the schedule. That means less miles are scheduled to give my legs a chance to heal and rest. I think there is some mental benefits to getting a break from constantly increasing the distance of the long runs. This weekend I "only" had 6 scheduled, versus 10 miles last week or 11 miles next.

Here are random thoughts from 6 miles....
Mile 1: It's quiet, there aren't even trains... oh yea, it's the Sunday morning before Christmas....  I'll be so happy when my legs warm up and stop feeling like lead.  I am so slow. Slower than everyone I know.... yes, I'm in total agreement with Tammy (conversation from yesterday) I need to run with faster runners to get faster. But that would be.... UNCOMFORTABLE. Stop whining and RUN.
Mile 2: Probably should have gone to church alone. Honestly, it's pretty spiritual doing this though. Quite certain this feeling of STRENGTH isn't just coming from me. Passing a friend's house and her mom's house. Praying for them.... all the things they have been through this year... health issues..... hometown hit by Hurricane Sandy.... Prayers for people traveling.. especially my parents, coming across the Appalachian mountains in snow today
Mile 3: What? I thought there was another street to cut through on the right, that's an alley not a street....
Mile 4: Church must be letting out, a lot more traffic. DON'T LOOK! Roadkill, dead squirrel. GROSS!
Mile 5: Running across deserted college campus. Wow. I didn't know anything when I was in college... oh, to go back and do it again with what I know now....
Mile 6: Dear Santa, I need new shoes. 


Friday, December 21, 2012

I Feel Fine

I woke up this morning at 6:32 am and told my husband that the world was supposed to end in 3 minuets. Then I rolled over and went back to sleep. Hubby... nearly died laughing (or I nearly killed him) a few minuets later when he started shaking the entire bed saying "it's the end!" Yes, I shot straight up into a sitting position on the bed! It's funny now. It wasn't then.

REM's "It's the End of the World As We Know It" has been stuck in my head on and off for the last two weeks. I'm sure that song is an indicator of my age.
Those Mayans are an interesting bunch, aren't they? I'm sure they never imagined every middle school student with Internet would be convinced of the end of the world. Well, I'm sure they didn't imagine Internet either! Ha!
I hope that the people I love know that I love them. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!  So, I'm good. Frankly, I think my personal end could be any day that I drive on Interstate 95 (hello, merge to the Boulevard exit!)

I'm more thrilled to celebrate Winter Solstice! WooHoo! More daylight after today! That is something to get excited about!
I do know that I have 6 miles scheduled for tomorrow. End or not, I'm planning on that.
"It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine." - REM

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Learning Lupus Thursday

What are the Symptoms of Lupus

Because lupus can affect so many different organs, a wide range of symptoms can occur. These symptoms may come and go, and different symptoms may appear at different times during the course of the disease.

The most common symptoms of lupus, which are the same for females and males, are:

  • extreme fatigue (tiredness)
  • headaches
  • painful or swollen joints
  • fever
  • anemia (low numbers of red blood cells or hemoglobin, or low total blood volume)
  • swelling (edema) in feet, legs, hands, and/or around eyes
  • pain in chest on deep breathing (pleurisy)
  • butterfly-shaped rash across cheeks and nose
  • sun- or light-sensitivity (photo sensitivity)
  • hair loss
  • abnormal blood clotting
  • fingers turning white and/or blue when cold (Raynaud’s phenomenon)
  • mouth or nose ulcers
Many of these symptoms occur in other illnesses besides lupus. In fact, lupus is sometimes called "the great imitator" because its symptoms are often like the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, blood disorders, fibromyalgia, diabetes, thyroid problems, Lyme disease, and a number of heart, lung, muscle, and bone
Source: Lupus Foundation of America

"My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept love in return."
- Maya Angelou

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Today was the last day of school and tomorrow winter break starts for my kids. That means I'm not working at my part time job for the next few weeks either. I have some big projects around the house planned... like painting some bedrooms. We will also enjoy some family visits over the break. My kids have things they want to do too. They want to bake cookies RIGHT NOW!!
This morning I think I turned off the alarm in my sleep. I woke when I heard hubby up and about. I snoozed in bed until the eldest child snuggled in with me and suggested we get up and get moving. Glad one of us had her act together this morning.
This evening I'm heading out to finish up Christmas shopping and hang with one of my besties! It's always a fun and usually memorable time with her!
In theory, the next couple of weeks should be more relaxed and less scheduled. However, I think it will be easy, like today, to let the day go by without working out. I need to establish a holiday break routine quickly and stick to it!
Routine is a ground to stand on, a wall to retreat to; we cannot draw on our boots without bracing ourselves against it. - Henry David Thoreau 


Monday, December 17, 2012

Week in pictures

"Hug your kids and tell them you love them tonight."
After hearing the news of the violent killing of 28 people in the school shooting last Friday many folks reaction was a need to hug their loved ones. That was certainly my reaction and need.  Human physical contact is important and speaks louder than words. A genuine loving hug can mean everything.

My youngest ran from the bus steps and straight into my arms. He had no idea of the tragedy in that moment. A huge loving embrace is our daily routine. I'm a lucky mom.

Pictures also speak louder than words. They help our brains comprehend the words "20 children" and what that looks like when our minds resist understanding something too terrible to imagine. 

Last week was very busy for us as a family. We had kid activities each night starting with scouts for all of us Monday night (2 kids and 2 parents volunteering as scout leaders.) Here are pictures from our life last week... 

Tuesday evening found us at the 2nd grade holiday musical. He was a dancer for the Hanukkah song. He took the Santa hat off for that.... he's decided on his own that Santa and the menorah don't really go together.

Wednesday evening we put the final touches to the Powhatan Indian diorama and wrote the accompanying paragraph report. 

Thursday we enjoyed the 4th grade musical play "December Around the World."

Friday was the Father/Son Cub Scout bake off and Den meeting. I helped the boy bake a teddy bear cake and he decorated it with his dad. 

Saturday night was a night at the museum. Literally. My daughter, her friend, my friend (the friend's mom) and I left Saturday morning and drove 4 hours to the Virginia Museum of Natural History for a Girl Scout overnight lock in. We slept among the dinosaur bones. 

There were two of us on my twin air mattress all night. My daughter's air mattress must have had a leak since it wouldn't hold air. The floor was concrete, so we made room for each other on the tiny mattress. Our view from our bed.... we slept directly underneath a prehistoric whale. 

The program for the scouts involved  learning about the work of a research vessel in the Atlantic Ocean. The girls were able to Skype with the scientists on board. There were many hands-on activities including trying on a real cold water survival suit.
Late afternoon on Sunday I got my long run for the week done. I was tired from the busy and emotional week. My goal was to just finish the 10 miles and I met that simple goal. Balancing training and family is hard.  And worth it.
Hug each other.

Lupus Foundation


Friday, December 14, 2012



Busy times..


Life has gotten busy this week. The constant activity will continue into the weekend. I'm thankful that it's all fun and enjoyable things. Mostly kid involved things. I just wish it wasn't all in the same week. Next week, at by least mid-week it should slow down.

Somehow I will find time to go 10 miles this weekend.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Not Giving Up

Last Memorial Day weekend my husband and I completed a 1/2 marathon on a hot and humid day on hilly terrain that I am no longer accustomed to. I wrote "completed" because there was very little running involved. We walked a 1/2 marathon. During the first mile I questioned whether I would finish. By the second mile I started thinking about what lessons NOT finishing would teach me. Turns out we did finish and we did not come in last... there were exactly 12 people behind us. (Hubby chose to stay with me. He could have and has run this race many times.)

The hill leading up to this view isn't the steepest hill on the course, but it is the longest hill. It is also around mile 12.  Walking up that hill is physically the hardest thing I have ever done.  While forcing myself to take step after step up that hill,  under my own free will, I knew it would not be the hardest thing I would EVER do. That race and specifically that hill validated my hopes and plans to enter a full marathon. I learned that I can continue through pain. I learned that I had BETTER make sure I trained and was prepared.

A family member sent me an email encouraging me and giving me well wishes. It was a nice email and I hope to receive more encouragement like that during this training.  She also expressed some surprise that I was continuing to run after this race and referred to it as an "ordeal." That makes me smile. I learned so much during that race. I will continue to learn more and more about myself with each one. I'll probably learn more from the really bad ones.

I still count it as my second 1/2 marathon completed. Out of my three I've since completed I fought the hardest for this one.

 The medal for that race was kind of lame. There is a STICKER on the back with the race name and date.

"It (running) is not a linear process"
- Jack Clark (hubby)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Music

On Saturday I thought listening to some Christmas music during my long run might be a nice change. Turns out that not much of my Christmas music is good for running. Certainly not Bing Crosby's The Little Drummer Boy. Not Mary, Did You know? either. 
But U2's Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) is certainly run worthy.
Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel was a great song to listen to while walking/cool down at the end. Lots of endorphins and a powerful song like that was a great/meaningful end to a great run.  
"Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel!"

Saturday, December 8, 2012


One huge reason for going SO PUBLIC with this training thing is for accountability. So the truth is that I was not all that great toward the end of the week. Thursday I had 5 miles on the schedule that didn't get done. I don't have any good reasons for that, just lame excuses. (The fact that because hubby was sick and sleeping in the spare bedroom and you have the bed ALL TO YOURSELF is NOT a reason not to get out of the bed. No matter how big and comfy it feels with one person in it!)
Friday I completed 2 miles on the treadmill in the wee morning hours. I thought I might be able to get the other 3 done later in the day, but it didn't happen. I'm not even going to feel bad about that for one single split second. Friday was a fabulous day and I wouldn't change it for 3 miles or really anything else in the world.
Letting go of the 5 miles that didn't happen, I moved on to today's scheduled 8 miles.
Best 8 mile training run I've ever had.
I generally have trouble with the number 8. There was the horrific 8 miles attempted after eating a Big Mac. Seriously, what idiot person thinks Big Macs are a good thing ANY time. They are never, ever good before running anywhere. There was also the 8 miler and the lizard that wasn't. Otherwise known as a hallucination or Renee's first hot/humid run last spring.
Today's 8 miles was the best solo run I've ever had. I looked forward to the time alone. The outside temperature was exactly in the range I like for running. (No lizards out and about!) I was emotionally at the perfect balance of needing to let out some emotional responses in the very healthy way of physical exertion and being at peace inside myself. At times I forgot I was running. When I would "check" in on my breathing it was as it should be, from my core and not overly labored. My legs were strong. I'm still doing the run/walk program because after long runs my right hip does feel noticeably more sore than the left side, but no pain, just sore. Today I increased the running time and that felt better than what I was doing previously. That is an emotional positive bump too!      
Happy Birthday today to John Lennon.

"You, you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as one"
- John Lennon

Yes, I'm a dreamer too.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

More Common than.... has been working on gathering pictures of folks wearing purple (for Lupus awareness) and holding their right hand in a "L" position. Their facebook page displays many photos. Below is a clip of 50 photos representing someone in each of the US 50 states showing the Lupus awareness hand sign. I think my home state, West Virginia, was one of the last hold-outs for having a picture submitted... thought I was going to go back home to do it myself!
Did you notice at the end.....?
Lupus is more common than leukemia, multiple sclerosis, and cystic fibrosis.
"Awareness is empowering." -Rita Wilson

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Unexpected Surprises

The secret to my completing weekday workouts on a consistent basis is going to rely on organization on the weekends and adequate sleep. I need to accomplish as much as I can to set us up for weekday success ahead of time. I was partly successful at this last weekend. The laundry was washed and I supervised the kids in picking out outfits for the entire week. That is huge  help in getting them up and dressed without too much fuss from them.  No looking for a favorite shirt in the last moment. I've also had lunches packed the night before. Again, that buys time for a quick shower between the gym and breakfast.
 A+ grade for me in these two areas.
 Sadly, this is my more organized child's outfits for the week.
I will admit to failing in menu planning and grocery shopping over the weekend. That required a grocery trip last night to make it throught the rest of the week. I left the dinner dishes in the sink and headed out. I was unexpectedly surprised to find hubby doing the dishes when I came home! Yippee! He CAN do the dishes, and does do them sometimes on the weekend. He makes it a real job with organizing, then soaking them for 20 min. (We have a dishwasher!) He makes it a HUGE job, so he rarely does them during the week.
So grateful for that surprise!
Now for adequate sleep. Who wants to go to bed Sunday evening? Not me. That's the end of the weekend. So, I confess to staying up a bit late. Two days later it has caught up with me. I must have hit the snooze button in my sleep. When I woke to my alarm I was already 10 min behind schedule. I rolled over and went back to sleep. Hubby either tried to nudge me out of bed, or he thought I'd left and bumped into me. I wasn't conscious enough to tell the difference. I stayed in bed until my daughter climbed in with me... fully dressed for school.
To make up for not making it to the gym this morning I could either switch tomorrow's rest day to today or put the kids in childwatch at the gym this afternoon. They don't like doing that.

Then, surprise!
We finished the work job early and I made it home in time to get today's scheduled 3 miles done before the bus arrived! What a great surprise!

Who does the dishes at your house?
What is your bedtime?

Lupus Foundation of America

 "To be prepared is half the victory."
- Miguel De Cervantes


Monday, December 3, 2012

Feeling the Love

I am feeling the love! I've received emails of encouragement, offers to join groups and individuals for training runs, friends wanting to travel to Virginia Beach on race day, good wishes on facebook, a comment on here, a text, good wishes and support from bosses and co-workers, and a donation to Lupus Foundation of America! Love all around me! Thanks to each of you!!! I'm feeling the good vibes and am grateful for each of you!
Sending much LOVE back to you! 
“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.”
- Meister Eckhart

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Fabulous Day also Mumford & Sons

Fabulous day to run.
I started out mid-morning. Some days the runs must be crammed into the rest of life. Today was no exception. I got up and baked a birthday cake. Then the run was stuck in between cake baking and birthday celebrating.
Another youtube video to share. Promise I won't do this everyday!
I listened to this song 5 or 6 times during the run.
My husband's cousin recorded & mixed the above live version of this song last summer. He is a sound engineer and does some work for a radio station in Columbus, OH. 

 "Lend me your eyes, I can change what you see. But your soul you must keep totally free.....
Awake my soul." - Mumford & Sons  

Friday, November 30, 2012


After my last half marathon didn't go as well as I had hoped I gave myself 2 days to mope about it. Then I started picking the race apart to learn from it. Surprisingly, in spite of wearing the same shoes and socks as in training I ended up with blisters on both heels. Other than that issue most problems were mental.
I've been watching youtube videos of David Goggins. The one above is my favorite. I like what he says about using imagery and in your mind going through all the check-points and EMOTIONS you will experience in a race. Then when it happens you are prepared and it just "flows." Later he talks of  making the decision to continue when you hit a wall during a race and then your mind will re-set and you can continue on.
As for my current training....
I work part time as an interior painter and drywall specialist. This week's job was very labor intensive. I spent each day, for my 6 hour work day standing, climbing, or on the move. I was often sanding drywall repairs above my head while standing high on a ladder in a skylight on a vaulted ceiling. Today was the first day that I sat down on the job for a few moments. Work itself was training. Today I was scheduled for cross-training. After the week I've had I opted for some light core work. Tomorrow I'm scheduled for 8 miles and I'm looking forward to that workout.
Things seem to be going right on track.
   "I like to see what I'm made of.... see exactly if there is a limit to the human soul." - David Goggins

Donate here.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

What is Lupus?

"Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Chronic means that the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six weeks and often for many years. In lupus, something goes wrong with your immune system, which is the part of the body that fights off viruses, bacteria, and germs ("foreign invaders," like the flu). Normally our immune system produces proteins called antibodies that protect the body from these invaders. Autoimmune means your immune system cannot tell the difference between these foreign invaders and your body’s healthy tissues ("auto" means "self") and creates autoantibodies that attack and destroy healthy tissue. These autoantibodies cause inflammation, pain, and damage in various parts of the body." Lupus Foundation of America
What does that mean?
Basically, a person's immune system attacks a person's own body for no apparent reason. There is no cure for Lupus. 

“This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.”


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Treadmills and School Buses

(not me)
Today I was going to write about my wandering mind while on the treadmill this morning. About how I couldn't stay focused on running or the workout and how my mind kept drifting.
(closer to me)
I thought about the number I had just seen on the scale.
(not actual guy from gym)
I thought about the guy in the perfectly matched outfit who just kept wandering around the gym. I never saw him work out or sweat. But he had the perfect outfit for it.
(not the guy's actual shirt)

The guy in the Shamrock race shirt. He was fast. Then he got faster. He must have been doing speed training.
My post today was going to be a little bit whining and about how unfocused and distracted I was.
Then it was time for my kids to come home. Only the bus didn't come.
After phone calls to both of the kids' schools I learned their bus had been in a wreck and all kids on the bus were fine. They would be sent home shortly on another bus.
I waited.
I waited more.
I feared if I left the house to go get them, the bus would arrive and no one would be home.
I felt helpless.
 I realized feeling helpless about how to help her child is how my sister feels.
Every moment of
  (My kids' actual bus.)
My kids are fine as are all the other kids who were on the bus. The bus driver, who I trust completely, was shaken, but last I heard is OK too. I'm not sure about the driver of the car.

Update: The driver of the car had a medical issue. She passed out behind the wheel. In addition to her medical condition she suffered several broken ribs. I wish her well. The kids' bus driver returned to work the following afternoon.