Sunday, April 7, 2013

Spring Break

Spring Break is coming to a close. First... a goal report. I only lost the 1 pound that I gained last week. So now I'm starting from ground zero again. I've menu planned, shopped, and tonight I'll be prepping for a busy upcoming week. I'm planning/hoping for better success this week.
Spring break always reminds me how blasted easy and blessed my life is!! All of us were off of work/school this week.  I know not many families get to enjoy the entire week off together. We worked on some projects but also fit in some fun too.

The kids and I met friends to hike along the James River.

We tried Geocaching for the first time. I think the kids are hooked.

We took a day trip to Monticello. A "Family Tour" is available over spring break (and in the summer.) The tour kept the kids engaged by "naming" each of them as one of Thomas Jefferson's grandchildren. They learned about life there from a child's perspective. 

Thomas Jefferson's grave site.



  1. Oh my! I live in the same city as Monticello!!! Of course, I was out of town spring break week. I've lived here four years and I've never been! The kiddo has been a few times with school and loved it. I need to go!

    1. I just saw this!!!! We are about an hour away!!

    2. That's so cool! If you ever make it up here for a race or vice versa, we should totally meet up!
