Sunday, January 20, 2013


I wish I was all about positive energy ALL.THE.TIME.

I lacked that this week. I've been lacking that for awhile. This week was much more like.....

That is kind of funny. Except when it's true, it's not funny.

So I've asked hubby for help. He's kicked it in and has cleaned the house like a maniac this weekend. At first I was all thrilled with this show of undying love for me. Then I remembered that an appraiser is coming on Monday for our mortgage refinancing and it may in fact be for appraiser, Kerry. Not to worry... I've been reading the writings of Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, who advises not to feed the anger and despair.  So now I'm thanking the universe for the alignment of the house appraisal with my imminent mental breakdown. The house is nearly clean and I haven't threatened to move out since Friday. (It wasn't a REAL threat... more of a mention that it was on the table as a possibility.)

I showed this to hubby a few weeks ago because it makes me laugh. He did actually say today... "hey girl, you go do your long run... I'll clean the playroom while you're gone."

I'm grateful that hubby is helping with the disaster that was our house. He's also backing me on the newly installed chore chart and accountability for the kids.

I'm grateful for the friends who have listened to me and prayed for me this week.

I'm grateful for my friends who openly and honestly share their struggles with life and marathon training.

I'm grateful for Amy, my friend who ran 7+ of my 10 miles with me today. We trained for our first half together. I miss her.

I'm grateful that 10 miles is a short recovery run. This fact was truly enlightening to me. All week I've been thinking "it's a recovery week." When I looked at the schedule and saw 10 miles, it hit me. This is MARATHON training. I'm passing HALF training.

I'm grateful for each and every person in my life.

I'm grateful for my new Body Glide! No chafe!

While writing this blog post I opened another window to quote my friend, Jill, who wrote in an email to me the other day, "The training will wear you down. Try not to let it get to you. Just keep plugging along." She is training for her 6th marathon. I am grateful for her too.

I found a new email from my longest friend, Melissa. She shared that she drinks her morning cappuccino from a mug I gave her a lifetime ago. It has a quote that says, “Don’t listen to those who would give you reasons why you can’t succeed... You’re a child of God, and with credentials like that you can do anything!” (Linda Lee Elrod) She added, "Maybe that quote will help on days when things hurt and ache or you just don’t feel like moving."  I'm grateful our friendship has outlasted time, distance, and age.

I'm grateful for the donations to the Lupus Foundation. Thank you. That inspires me too.

Lupus Foundation of America

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