Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Good and the Bad

First the good. I did my long run today and I achieved a distance PR. (PR stands for Personal Record.) I completed 14 miles. The farthest I've ever gone is a little longer than 13.2 miles. (My first half marathon was a little long.) I've needed a PR for a few weeks for a mental boost. I came home and told hubby that he is married to a rock star. 

The bad. I wasn't using my Body Glide so I gave it to my niece. I need to get another one. Major chafing issues. "Children, pay no attention to the screams of agony heard from your mother behind the shower curtain." Painful stuff.

Click here to donate to the Lupus Foundation of America in honor of my race!

"Running is real and relatively simple - but it ain't easy."
- Mark Will-Weber


  1. Congrats on the distance PR!!! Sorry about the chafing issues. :(

  2. That's awesome!! Congrats on the new distance!

    The longer you go, the more BodyGlide will be your best friend!

    I hate when I get into the shower and I don't know I'm chafed, ouch!!!!!
