Monday, February 25, 2013

Hip Pain

In 2011 over the Christmas holiday I was in physical therapy for hip pain and butt pain. Something with my IT band and something that started with "glute." I wasn't allowed to run for over a month. It was hard for me to go to PT and ask for help. When I did I was happy. My physical therapist was wonderful. I learned to trust him and he knew what he was doing. He fixed me in time to train for my first half marathon.
The finish of the Flying Pirate Half Marathon, April 2012.
Hip pain is something I have worried about while I add in more and more miles to my training. It is why I consistently do the walk/run method of training. I know if my hip is injured again it's awhile for it to heal to run again. I've learned some things about my hip pain.
Last summer we took a long vacation. We spent up to 6.5 hours a day riding in this vehicle and we lived in that camper for 4 weeks. I loved it, but it hurt my hip.
It takes many days of driving to go from the east coast to Mount Rushmore.
More days of driving to see Old Faithful.
Another day of driving to see the Grand Teton mountain range. All that sitting in the car made my hip hurt. There were beautiful place to run, but often I didn't. Hip pain was one reason, but there were other reasons too...
like trails with these signs. We hiked on this trail, with loud noisy kids. Bears don't like noisy groups and they leave. They get surprised by lone runners sneaking up on them. They don't like being surprised.
 Mama and her cub from afar.
I have found other things that hurt my hip.
Sitting in front of the computer for too long.
Sitting and working on large puzzles for too long. Sitting in general for too long.
I've also discovered something that hasn't hurt my hip.
Running has not been hurting my hip.
(Hanover Safe Place Pumpkin Run 2011)

If I have learned ANYTHING through running, it's been not to give up. From asking for professional help with an injury or finding time in a busy family schedule to train. Don't give it up. Not for anything.

1 comment:

  1. Not giving up is the best advice you could give us Renee. Thank you for the words of encouragement!

    Regards from
    Igor at Help Your Back
