Sunday, February 3, 2013

Wonder Woman

Reading this made me smile.
And I haven't smiled much in the last 36 hours. I haven't done much of anything but sleep in the last 36 hours. Oh, and loose 5 pounds. I've done what a person needs to do to loose 5 pounds in 36 hours.
Yes, the norovirus infection caught up with me. 
My long run is not going to happen this weekend. I'm just now getting some solid food in me and I'm dehydrated. Thankfully I have a recovery run scheduled next weekend. I'll try to get some longer runs in during this week and then do this weekends 17 miles next weekend. That means my next few long runs will be 17, 18, 20 then taper. Wow. That is a little overwhelming from my position at the moment. I have to remember that this moment will pass.
And if, and if the night runs over
And if the day won't last
And if your way should falter
Along this stony pass
It's just a moment
This time will pass
- U2, Stuck In A Moment lyrics


  1. Oh no! I hope you are feeling better now!

    Be sure to rest up!!

    1. I'm feeling much better now! I didn't run this weekend, but hope to be back at it tomorrow. I still feel a little dehydrated.

    2. Glad to hear it! I'm sure even if you wanted to run this weekend, you're body would've rejected it anyway. Hydrate and get ready for this week, you'll do great!

  2. Concentrate on letting your body recover fully. You can do this!

  3. Thanks ladies! I got myself up and to the gym this morning. I didn't do much... but getting there was success! It's beautiful out today and I'm about to go our with the kids for their mile! I'm feeling better/stronger.
