Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday I'm In Love


Things that make today GREAT!!!

1. It's March 1st. My favorite month!
2. 17 days until Marathon day.
3. St Patrick's Day is in March and GREEN  is my favorite color!
4. I have red hair and freckles and could pass as Irish. (I'm not much Irish though.)
5. It's my birthday month.
6. Easter is coming!
7. Spring is coming!
8. Flowers are blooming!
9. Today I painted for awesomely great foster/adoptive parents.
10. We finished painting early and I had lunch with two favorite people.
11. I ate Thai food for the first time ever.
12. Thai food is spicy food and made my lips tingle and my whole senses open up.
13. My kids are home from school and it's family movie night!
14. Girl Scout cookies will soon be in da house!
15. My friend, Jill, designed cool race shirts and they are ready!!!! Check them out above! That's the front and back. Yes, they are two different shades of purple. Did you know purple is the Lupus awareness color?
16. My friend, Debby, gave my little fundraising efforts a shout-out on her FB page!
17. And, finally, I'll end with #17, since the race is March 17th. It's FRIDAY I'm in love!!!

(Thoughts and prayers to my friends going through so much right now! Moms sick, injury list, jobs lost.... you all are on my mind! Love and prayers!!)


  1. Happy birthday!!! Not sure when but happy birthday! Nice shirts.

    1. Thank you! My birthday is near the end of the month... but I'm still happy all month long!

  2. March is one of my favorites months too!!! I hope spring is just around the corner!!

    LOVE your shirts!! I always loved reading shirts when I did MCM last year. So inspirational!!

    And Happy Early Birthday!!!
