Friday, March 22, 2013

More Runners

I wasn't the only one among my friends and family who ran last weekend.

My brother in-law ran the 8k and crushed it! He hoped to come in under 45 minutes and his time was 42 minutes, 3 seconds. Way to go, Kevin!
My kids did get their 25.2 miles completed before race day. They ran the final mile of their marathon on Saturday. Their 26.2 miles ended at the marathon finish line on the boardwalk!
My boy and his friend have their game faces on. Yes, they ran dressed like this. Shades, hats and green mustaches! Nothing about them that isn't cool.

Happy everyone made it to the starting line. My daughter, niece and two friends who are rocking the Lupus shirts!
My girl at the finish with her finisher's medal! She said this is the best race she's ever done. See what training for a marathon will do for you!
Niece, Abby, is all smiles with her medal.
 My friend ran her second marathon with her hubby who finished his first. They made it into the party tent afterwards. Looking good!
The guy who got us all running. He finished his.... I have no idea how many he's done. Many many marathons and a few ultras!
Finally, bib #100. I don't know him, but this was his 100th marathon. And he's rocking pink facial hair and a kilt! ShamRock on, dude! (I think a purple Lupus shirt would have made the outfit!)

1 comment:

  1. Thats awesome!! Youre brother in law is fast!! and Congrats to everyone!!!
