Monday, March 25, 2013

New Goals...

My first real thought of ever completing a marathon was last year on mile 4 of a twelve mile training run for my first half marathon. I had just reached mile 4, it was starting to rain, and it was my birthday. Birthday's seem like a more appropriate time to set goals then New Years to me. I decided on my 43rd birthday that I'd like to do a marathon before my 44th birthday.

Yesterday I turned 44. Yes, that is either gray or sliver icing on that cake. Apparently it was the only one with "butter cream" icing the store had. Of course it's not really butter, it's Crisco. Heaven forbid that we don't get enough Crisco with our cake at this house! 

I'm not 431 years old. I'm 43 + 1 = 44. We didn't already have two #4 candles... we will spend the money for the # candles for the kids... but apparently not the grown ups. I'm OK with that. The appearance of the cake was surprise enough.
I didn't ask or wish for it, but I got snow for my birthday.
Anyway, my birthday goals......

Yup. That is me. Mile 19 of the marathon. Eating a banana and talking with my mouth full. (I was in a hurry!)
A week before the marathon my daughter starting asking me what I was going to do with the blog after the marathon. She suggested that I train for longer races and continue raising funds for lupus.
No. To the longer races part at least.
My niece asked if I would run another marathon. Not now. My body needs to rest. My family needs me. (But maybe someday.)
I'll be cheering for my husband and my friend at the Monument Ave 10k in April. I'm scheduled to do a Color Me Rad race on a team in April.  Hubby suggested a 5k next weekend, but we haven't signed up for it and yea, it just snowed... I would love to do another Half sooner than later.
I have another idea for the blog though. Because you know... my marathon is over. But my niece still has Lupus. So does my co-worker/friend, my friend's sister in-law, my other friend's college roommate, the guy on facebook who graduated from high school a year before me.... (see Alys, you are not alone!) Because there is currently no cure for Lupus.... but there is the hope and goal for being in remission!
It's time to address the obvious. The weight.
So my next goal to to take off some of the weight. I'm going to start with 26.2 pounds in 26.2 weeks.
Totally doable.
Easily doable, right?
Yes, except I haven't done it. 
 So for extra motivation I will blog about this process. Then if I loose 26.2 pounds in 26.2 weeks we will donate $10 for each pound to the Lupus Foundation. Yup, we will send off $262 to the Lupus Foundation if I'm successful.
Butter cream birthday cake be damned!
Also, unrelated, for the grandparents....
last Friday was the Pinewood Derby....
He designed the car himself. Yes, it's cheese and a mouse. He won for "Most unusual." 


  1. And if you make it, I will donate 26.20!!! YOu got this girl! I know you do!!!
